Networking for resilient communities

Some people believe that disasters are acts of God and, as such, considered unavoidable. Therefore focusing on the emergency response and relief was essential for politicians. Yet more and more people recognise disasters as failures of unsustainable development. However, the CRISPRO “believers” put on first place knowledge redressed in applicable measures and operational activities. Also, we create the social, economic and political conditions leading to disasters. 

Individuals, communities and governments increase the disaster risk by:

  • degradation of the environment due to fast-growing, mass construction and urbanisation,
  • overpopulation urban centres,
  • pushing poor people to hazard-prone areas,
  • unequal access and lack of control over resources,
  • allowing constructions on unsafe and substandard houses and building,
  • building in a high-risk areas.

The CRISPRO followers understand the risks have led to greater management approaches: 

  • identifying potential hazards,
  • determining the probability of occurrence,
  • estimating the impact on communities (people affected/vulnerable groups affected and counting on the needs of the affected groups),
  • promoting practices for reducing the vulnerability,
  • planning measures and taking actions to reduce the risk,
  • creating awareness of how to implement the measures,
  • increasing preparedness and abilities to increase the professional reaction of first responders and rescuers,
  • investing in technologies of anticipating, mitigating and saving lives,
  • providing opportunities for sharing of experience.

What disaster risk reduction has to take place on the local level

  • The degree of economic losses and damage to buildings and infrastructure determine various levels of exposure and vulnerability of the population, infrastructure, facilities on the local level.
  • Risk assessment answers the fundamental question.

What would happen if a hazard event occurred in my area

  • Analyse and evaluate potential hazards, or analyse your environment and learn what type of potential hazards are in your community, 
  • How these hazards threaten /endanger any community/local disruption/casualties/damage losses
  • Results of risk assessment: enable action and form the foundation for planning and implementing DRR measures
  • Review the technical features of hazards – location, intensity, frequency and probability
  • Dimensions have a very political-driven foundation cause they refer to physical, social, economic and environmental vulnerability fo the territory governed by the decision-makers 

Taking into particular account the coping capacities and capabilities pertinent to the defined risk scenario

  • It shall be an integral and regular element of the planning process, local stakeholders. 

Identify all local stakeholders that put hands intent of a disaster, hazard-prone events, extraordinary incidents or accidents.